Payment Method

Why do we use these payment methods? Are they really safe?

Thank you for placing an order with our website.

We appreciate your business! To make the payment process as smooth as possible, we offer three payment options:

Zelle & Venmo (recommend, additional 5% discount), or PayPal.

1. Zelle

  1. Make sure you have a bank account with a participating US financial institution. You can check the Zelle website to see if your bank is on the list.

  2. Log in to your own bank's mobile app or online banking platform (such as: Bank of America) and follow the instructions to send money to Done!

Check out the official for step-by-step instructions.

2. Venmo

  1. Open the Venmo app on your mobile device and tap the "Pay or Request" button.

  2. Enter my username (@fantasticjersey) in the "To" field.

  3. Type in the amount and add the order number for the payment (e.g., "WHO0001024").

  4. Tap "Pay" and confirm the payment. Done!

Note: You might need to enter the last four digits of my phone number. Please enter: 3912.

3. Paypal

  • First way:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Enter the email address as the recipient, then enter the amount and reason for payment (please only write order nubmer as for reason, e.g., "WHO00001024", do not input any other information), or leave it blank.
  3. Review the details and click "Send Payment Now". Done!
  • Second way:

  1. Click "Buy Now" button.
  2. Write order number as for description only (e.g., "WHO00001024"do not input any other information.), or leave it blank.
  3. Write total price of your order, and send the payment. Done!

Note: Please calculate the 5% discount yourself by multiplying your amount by 0.95 to get the final total price. For example, for 100, the discounted price would be 95. (Enjoy the discount with Zelle and Venmo).

And if you have any other questions, you can email at:

Or contact us at WhatsApp: +86 185 5910 9206